The purpose of this workshop is to assess the regulation of the business financing market in Africa. He will be
the opportunity to exchange mainly on:
• The scope of central bank regulation and banking commissions on corporate financing
by banks, financial institutions of a banking nature and microfinance institutions;
• The scope of corporate finance regulation in African financial markets;
• The relevance of the prohibition of state aid by regional and sub-regional integration organizations
economy in Africa;
• The issue of the regulation of cryptoassets in the African finance market;
• The problem of controlling the crowdfunding market.
• The role of certification in business financing.
Moderation: Pr Patrick Juvet LOWE
| • The scope of the regulation of central banks and bank commissions on the ffinancing of companies by banks, establishments ffinancial institutions of a banking nature and microfinance
Professor Albert HONLONKOU (videoconference) |
• The scope of market regulation fAfrican investors on the fbusiness financing
Mr. Ousmane Birane SANE (videoconference) | |
• NOTfinancial rating, compliance and certification in the financing of African companies
Professor Anouar HASSOUNE (videoconference) | |
• The Relevance of State Aid Prohibition by Regional and Sub-Regional Economic Integration Organizations in Africa
Professor Abdoulaye SAKHO (videoconference) | |
• The fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism in business financing
Mr. Cheikh Mouhamadou Bamba NIANG |

Professor Albert HONLONKOU
The scope of the regulation of central banks and bank commissions on the financing of companies by banks, financial institutions of a banking nature and microfinance institutions

Mr. Ousmane Birane SANE
The impact of the regulation of African financial markets on business financing

Professor Anouar HASSOUNE
Financial rating, compliance and certification in the financing of African companies

Professor Abdoulaye SAKHO
The Relevance of State Aid Prohibition by Regional and Sub-Regional Economic Integration Organizations in Africa

Mr. Cheikh Mouhamadou Bamba NIANG
The fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism in corporate financing

Pr Patrick Juvet LOWE